The present liberalized economic scenario has created great opportunities for investment and business in India for overseas companies and entrepreneurs. For establishment and running of business, a company needs to deal with the laws of the land. We at VLS aim to provide expert services in Corporate Laws such as:
By giving holistic approach to tax, banking and other expert practice areas, we aim to provide to our members with a complete legal and business solution on capital market issues including:
All type of corporate / commercial agreement, deed, document, pleading etc. for any corporate, commercial or civil matters.
Vaidat Legale Services (VLS), is fully equipped in providing legal services relating to Advisory and litigation services to bank and financial institutions on loan recovery and dispute settlement which shall be but not limited to, as follows:
Although M&A; is a mode of corporate restructuring and thus forms part of corporate litigation only, but it involves technical issues relating to Company Law, Capital issues and Taxation etc. Considering these technicalities, VLS has created a separate team of professionals comprising advocates, taxation Consultants to handle local and transnational M&A; matters including:
Our expert team provides advisory services for:
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