Conversion of Public Company into a Private Company
Lets understand “WHAT IS A PUBLIC COMPANY?” A public company is also acknowledged as a Publicly Traded Company. Public companies trade their stocks on the public exchange market. Ownership of a public company is not limited to that of a private company and the shares are distributed among general public shareholders. Moreover, a Public company […]
How to Become a Registered Valuer, Eligibility & Qualifications
Registered Valuer” means a person registered with the authority in accordance with these rules and the term “registered Valuer” shall be construed accordingly. A Valuer shall conduct valuation required under the Act as per these rules and he may conduct valuation as per these rules if required under any other law or by any other […]
Startup Stages | Different Stage of funding in a Start Stages
What is Startups? A startup company is a business project which is typically a newly emerged business that aims to meet a marketplace need by developing a viable business model around a product, service, process or a platform. A startup is usually a company designed to effectively develop and validate a scalable business model. How to Fund? At […]
What is Foreign Direct Investment in india?
‘Foreign Direct Investment’ (FDI) is the investment through capital instruments by a person resident outside India (a) in an unlisted Indian company; or (b) in 10 percent or more of the post issue paid-up equity capital on a fully diluted basis of a listed Indian company. An Indian company receive foreign investment in following two […]
What is the procedure for transfer of shares?
TRANSFER OF SHARES FROM NON-RESIDENT TO RESIDENT VALUATION OF SHARES: – Price of a share shall be decided on the basis of valuation of Shares by a Chartered Accountant or/a SEBI registered Merchant Banker. Sale consideration (net of taxes) must be remitted outside India through an authorized dealer (AD) bank. Transfer of shares must […]
What is IEC – How to apply IEC Code in India?
Introduction: In today’s time, everyone wants to grow their business beyond the limits of the domestic market but faces stiff competition. But before going global or international, one needs to follow several procedures and laws in place and get different registration and license. Import and Export Code is one of the requirements to grow the […]
The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016
PART II Insolvency Resolution and Liquidation for Corporate Persons CHAPTER II Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP) Section 10A of IBC – A ‘Lakshman Rekha’ for Filing CIRP On 5th June 2020, an Ordinance titled “Insolvency And Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Ordinance 2020” came to be promulgated by insertion of Section 10A which has practically suspended […]
How to insure your health during Coronavirus pandemic in India
INTRODUCTION When it comes to the COVID-19 pandemic that has infected over 5 million people across 215 countries, every day is a learning day – and that is because we scan the news for maximum information, we are all learning a great deal about how the virus behaves under different conditions, measures being taken to […]
How do I apply for a Patent in India?
Patent is another important IPR which provides protection to new Inventions. The object to grant patent is not only to encourage inventions but also to secure that the inventions are worked on a commercial scale to the fullest extent. So that it is reasonably practicable without undue delay. Patent is granted not only to enjoy […]
Trademark Registration Process in India
TRADEMARK Registration:- A Trademark (TM) can be referred to as a distinctive sign or indicator of some kind, used by an individual, business organization or other legal entity to uniquely identify the source of its products and/or services to consumers and also to distinguish its products or services from those of others. A trademark usually […]